Should I worry about humanity?


I saw this going around the internet and I immediately questioned if I should be seriously worried about humanity.

Why would I think that?  There are plenty of other reasons to worry about humanity, let’s face it.  My question stems from a couple of facts:

  1.  The fact that this thing actually exists.
  2. The fact that I find it tremendously humorous
  3. The fact that I REALLY want one.

Squirrels and I are known nemeses.  They’ve already had plenty of entertainment at my expense.  I don’t think I would be out of line to have a bit at theirs.


Source:  Find out more about this really need thing at this link.

Goat Squad

Ever hear of something that you find really amusing but you’re not sure if it’s blog worthy?  I chewed this story over for awhile but decided that it was deliciously Oklahoma enough to note here.

The City of Stillwater, home to my alma mater Oklahoma State University, has fielded a new team to tackle the bane of high vegetation throughout the city.

Meet the Stillwater Goat Squad here!

Yes, the Stillwater Goat Squad is on the munch throughout the city, keeping the wild prairie at bay in the truest tradition of the agricultural school that finds its home there.    These mighty masticators kick butt and leave no leaf unturned.

Just when I thought my favorite town in Oklahoma couldn’t get more interesting, they now have a superhero herd of nannies and billies to capture the imagination and the tall grasses of the plains.

Certain that I have milked this story for all it’s worth, I must now hoof it over to Stillwater and see them in action myself.    And you dear reader?  Why I trust that at least one of you will join the quest on FB to name these wily masters of the underbrush.


Simon’s Cat

A new Simon’s Cat is out!  I really enjoy these and I hope you do to.


Re-entry Complete

Hello Dear Reader,

I’m back from my trip to Haiti and I think I’ve finally come through the “re-entry” pains that follow any truly meaningful mission experience.

If you’d like to see some of what we experienced while we were there, keep an eye on my Haiti “sub-blog” at  You can click that little link at the top of the page to get there directly.

I saw the following post come through my RSS reader this morning and I thought I would share it with you.  It’s just my kind of humor!  If you don’t follow Rachel Balducci’s Testosterhome blog, you should!

Testosterhome: Morning Deal.

Dear Mr. Snow Shovel

Dear Mr. Snow Shovel,

I wish to congratulate you on your heroic duty over the past week. I called you to service from the dusty and spider-webby confines of the garage and you answered!

Together, you and I threw ourselves into the breach and fought back the relentless onslaught of the blitz-blizzard which descended upon us.

For 3 days we shoveled, pushed, tossed and scraped the frozen elements from the driveways and parkways near our fortress and prevailed!!

Sadly, we didn’t emerge unscathed. The screaming spasms in my back and hamstrings were a constant reminder of our struggles. And you, my utilitarian companion, were broken and split from leading edge to handle, assumed to be past fitness for further active duty.

Reluctantly, we have been called back to duty as the cold north winds blow once again and more of the insidious enemy has descended upon us.

I’ve done my best to splint you up and give you back a measure of your utility. Soon, we will enter the breach one more time to push back the enemy.

As you stand sentinel and witness to the attack, I ask, “Are you ready?”