Hello! Thanks for visiting everythingesteban.com.
Let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Steve, which in Spanish is Esteban, and this blog is really just a big notepad about things that I find interesting or feel compelled to write about. I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma, but grew up in West Texas and eastern New Mexico.
I love to travel and have spent good amounts of time in Central America (mostly Guatemala, but also a few trips to Nicaragua) and western Europe.
In 2013, I spent 9 months in Papua New Guinea, teaching at a Catholic diocesan seminary. Check out my posts related to PNG, by clicking on the menu link above.
I also love photography. I love the challenge of trying to capture the beauty of the world around us or to represent an idea in images. Most of what I’ve posted lately are related to the photos I’ve taken.
I’m a Catholic guy in the middle part of life, in the middle part of the US, still trying to figure things out.
I sometimes write about being a Catholic. Why? Because we’re each on our own journey, a unique gift from God that should be shared with others. A personal mission that might just touch someone else’s life.
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