
I have to ask … which soup would you choose and why?

Yesterday, I went to my cupboard to get some soup for lunch.   I found three cans of chicken soup.  One “hearty chicken pot pie style” soup, and two that are basically “chicken with wild rice” soup (slightly different, but basically the same).

Most people probably have no problem just picking the soup that  appeals to them the most.  No worries.

I really wanted the chicken pot pie style soup, but I have to admit that I paused to consider that I had TWO chicken and rice soups and I ought to have one of those instead.  Just to even up the numbers.

Do you ever have urges like this, or am I just being esteban about it? 


I fought the compulsion and had chicken pot pie style soup.  It was yummy.  A solid 1 napkin experience.


2 thoughts on “Soup

  1. How did I miss this? I would have gone with the wild rice, mostly because of balance, too. But I’m glad you went with the one you had a hankering for.

    This morning’s dilemma is just as vapid…hot chocolate for the comfort or coffee for the jolt? Coffee wins, of course. Maybe a cocoa chaser?

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